What Can Music Learning Do? Audiovision as Research-Creation in Undergraduate Music Studies


  • Michael B. MacDonald MacEwan University


Livestreaming as research-creation for music studies introduced students to research-creation and the felt experience of extralinguistic concepts. As a way of both rethinking the divide between musicology and music performance and engaging in much needed critical reflection on how music teaching has always been done, research-creation in audiovision creates a laboratory for extralinguistic musicology. By connecting research-creation literature with practical training in the production of audiovision music studies, dominant image of thought emerges and a new machinic image of thought is introduced. If music studies is to find its way beyond the disciplinarity of inherited models, it will do so along with a wider engagement in a diversity of what it means to teach and what it means to do research. This is, at its core, a question of what image of thought will be allowed.

Author Biography

Michael B. MacDonald, MacEwan University

Michael B. MacDonald is an award-winning cine-ethnomusicologist and associate professor of Music at MacEwan University His ongoing cinematic research-creation work investigates the interface of music ethnography and cinema production, as discussed in CineWorlding: Scenes of Cinematic Research-Creation (2023). His other books include Playing for Change: Music Festivals as Community Learning and Development (2016), Remix and Life Hack in Hip Hop: Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Music (2016) and, as co-editor, A History of Progressive Music and Youth Culture: Phishing in America (2020).


