The Triadic Contours of Ethics in Practice-Based and Interdisciplinary Research


  • Pil Hansen University of Calgary, School of Creative and Performing Arts


In this forum article, I begin to contour the triad of partly overlapping ethical spheres that I operate within when crossing practice-based and empirical research in the performing arts. I also begin to suggest a few approaches that may help me and others navigate these spheres. The ethical spheres I contour are (1) situational and relational ethics; (2) equity, diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility (EDIA); and (3) institutional ethics protocols. This triad is, furthermore, considered with reference to an ethically complex research program titled “strengths-based dramaturgies of accessibility in the performing arts.”

Author Biography

Pil Hansen, University of Calgary, School of Creative and Performing Arts

Pil Hansen is professor of performing arts at the University of Calgary, president of PSi, founding editor of the Routledge book series Expanded Dramaturgy, founding member of Vertical City Performance, and a dance/devising dramaturg. Her empirical and PaR experiments examine dynamics of memory, learning, and socio-environmental relations in creative processes, most recently with a focus on accessibility. Hansen has dramaturged more than thirty works, and her research is widely published. She authored the monograph Performance Generating Systems in Dance (Intellect, 2022) and edited the books Performing the Remembered Present (Methuen, 2017) and Dance Dramaturgy (Palgrave, 2015).


